How Can I help You?

Are you the owner of a tech startup with a first revenue base, or a senior leader in a scale up?  Are you looking to ramp up your business, build a more robust and predictable sales organisation?  Are you looking to hire and coach the right commercial team?


Many tech founders have an incredibly strong technical background, and have far less experience in scaling an organisation and building a sales department.  Trying to focus on this, results in loss of focus of running the focus and developing a brilliant product.  

The 3 main challenges that scale ups have are talent, leadership and sales, and I can help with all 3 of them, whether it is through coaching or more long term collaboration. 

In my career spanning 2 decennia, I have built various international sales organisations for several tech companies.  I have built teams from scratch, developed and implemented processes where needed, and increased revenue streams 5 to 25fold, to, in one instance, a few hundred million dollar per year.

I am interested to hearing your story and challenges, I invite you to an absolutely free of charge 30 minute call to talk about the questions and challenges you have.  Please fill in this form and I will contact you to set up our call.

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